August 29, 2014
Why Your Perception of Outsourced Software Development is Wrong
Written by: Andy Hilliard
For some reason, there is often a stigma associated with the term outsourced software development. The haggard CEO tends to think that a need for outsourcing directly reflects some failure made by his team. And it is in that exact thought process that the misconceptions surrounding outsourced software development lie.
A leader's greatest strength lies in his ability to accurately assess the skill set of his team, recognize when there's a problem, and develop the most efficient and cost-effective solution. Outsourced development does not represent some failure of an internal team. Rather, it reflects the best solution available.
Debunking the Myth of Outsourcing Software Development
The primary myth surrounding outsourced development is the idea that you will pay a lot of money to a team who won't deliver the results that your company so desperately needs. This myth stems from the belief that if a team isn't being directly supervised, then the work won't be completed. This latter belief is in itself a falsity. The first step in debunking this myth begins with finding the right development team that meets your outsourcing requirements. This 'dream team' will meet a few company-specific requirements:
Alignment With Company Best Practices - In order for your outsourcing requirements to be properly met, your chosen team must follow similar best practices as your own internal team. When best practices align, CEOs can rest assured knowing that they are working with individuals whose work ethics align with their own hand-picked eternal team; this, in turn, creates a results-driven environment.
Create Direct Lines of Communication - Communication is the linchpin to outsourcing success. If you can't communicate effectively and directly with your chosen team, then deliverables and levels of expectations slip through the cracks.
Benefits of Outsourcing Your Software Development
The greatest benefit of outsourcing is also the largest stumbling block for most CEOs - geographical location. That's right. When you outsource a project, you no longer have to worry about geographical constrictions. Remember the head of IT that you wanted to hire a few months back? Remember how he refused to move from his hometown to your headquarters? This is exactly the type of situation that is avoided with outsourcing. You get the best of the best without the hassle of winning and dining, hoping to gain a certain skill set.
Skill Set - Outsourcing gives you access to some of the best minds across the globe.
Education - Depending on your needs, you can often find someone who has the ability to educate your internal team further. Finding an expert in the desired field who can also impart knowledge to your team is a win.
Improved Collaboration - Outsourcing enhances your internal team. Sometimes, it takes an outsider to see a certain solution, and sometimes it takes collaboration with a new mind. Outsourcing is the answer to both of the latter scenarios.
Final Thoughts on Outsourcing
By researching, assessing, and certifying leading offshore software development teams, outsourced development has become a viable option for many companies. The key to finding the correct outsourcing solution lies in assessing your company-specific needs and understanding your outsourcing criteria; only then can you connect with the correct outsourcing partner.
Andy Hilliard
As CEO, Andy leads and advocates for the globalization and collaboration of great software teams with companies in search of talent, innovation and a globally-distributed extension of their engineering function and culture. Andy founded the ground-breaking nearshore software development services company, Isthmus Costa...
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