A little more than a year ago, we had a corporate epiphany. For almost 2 decades, Accelerance has been known for helping clients find the perfect-fit global software engineering partner.
Clients loved (and still love) our process. In fact, they liked it so much we started to build a SaaS solution to become the Match.com of software development outsourcing. We made it all the way to Beta launch when the light bulb came on.
The Problem
Our aha moment happened when a large client asked for more than 100 developers. No problem… The right Accelerance Certified Partner can ramp 100 developers all day long. But, with a recent merger/acquisition, this client was drowning in operational challenges. Big, red, warning signs were going off. We knew there was major work to be done with strategic planning and preparation for outsourcing or else everything would be doomed to failure.
The Epiphany
And there’s the epiphany: Successful software outsourcing isn’t just about the perfect-fit partner. You also need the right strategic planning and ongoing management skills to mitigate maximum risk.
Since then, we’ve analyzed hundreds of outsourcing engagements to understand what our clients need to achieve greater success. The answer is: better planning makes for a better onboarding experience and better ongoing management produces high-performance results. And who doesn’t want that? Now, we offer coaching and engagement optimization advisory services to make every client an expert in managing globally distributed engineering teams.
The Critical Thing
We’re still passionate about traveling the world so you can outsource with confidence. But, we believe proper planning and good management skills for software outsourcing are so critical to your success that we killed our SaaS platform after two years of investment and development. Because in the end, outsourcing software development isn’t a DIY pick-a-great-partner-and-all-is-good activity. It’s a winning software development strategy that can make every business or tech leader a hero when you have the right partner and the right approach.
And That’s Why We Get Up in the Morning
Your success with global teams is what makes us get up in the morning. No matter what level of advisory services you choose, our mission remains the same: To make every client successful with nearshore and offshore software development teams.
How can we help? Accelerance lives to answer your questions about successful software development outsourcing.
Andy Hilliard
As CEO, Andy leads and advocates for the globalization and collaboration of great software teams with companies in search of talent, innovation and a globally-distributed extension of their engineering function and culture. Andy founded the ground-breaking nearshore software development services company, Isthmus Costa...
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