October 31, 2016
Outsourcing Software Development to the Growing Talent Pool
Written by: Andy Hilliard
The need for innovative software is exploding – whether it’s to solve business challenges, improve enterprise processes, manage customer data, gamify a concept, increase sales or enhance our lives. The list of reasons why we need software goes on and on because, these days, there’s some kind of software behind almost everything we use as consumers or utilize in business across all vertical industries.
“Software is everywhere you look now,” noted Dongjin Koh, president of mobile communications business at Samsung Electronics, when talking about the 2016 Samsung Developer Conference. “It’s in our phones, our cars and even our smart watches. Code is the key to unlocking human potential and developers have a big part to play in this rapidly growing movement. ”
With software at the forefront, it’s understandable that the worldwide software developer population is so vast. In fact, it’s currently at 21 million and set to reach 25 million by 2021, according to the Global Developer Population and Demographics Report from Evans Data.
Where Are the Best Software Outsourcing Companies?
Brilliant developers are all over the world – even in obscure locations like Belarus. Many have attended top global and U.S. colleges and universities. And they aren’t just maintenance programmers; they’re highly trained individuals with advanced knowledge in the latest technologies and software development best practices. They’re English-speaking, intelligent, good communicators and team players.
Yet, with so many world-class developers, finding the right professionals for your software initiative may feel like a daunting challenge. It can be impossible with so many options and unknowns, such as murky qualifications and certifications (Does this developer or development team really have the experience to deliver?) and poor technical standards and ethics (Am I risking my software and intellectual property with this development provider?).
And while there are millions of developers across the globe, research shows that employers still come up short when trying to find world-class software professionals in North America. In a recent North American study from the Technology Councils of North America, in conjunction with the Apollo Education Group and the University of Phoenix, 83 percent of employers reported a shortage of software development professionals, mostly due to the lack of experienced local talent. So while software talent does exist everywhere, qualified and experienced talent may not be nearby, thus pushing companies to consider the global outsourcing market.
Outsourcing: How Do You Find the Right Developer?
Consider the distant locations and sheer number of software developers. A simple Google search shows some 51,500,000 items to sort through. So how would you really know that those developers (or the one you hire) possess proven skills to deliver? You could fly around the world to meet face-to-face with nearshore, offshore or onshore developers and proceed to interview potential candidates and check their backgrounds yourself. The problem is, that process takes too long and costs too much, suspending your software in limbo. And because there are so many developers – the good, the great and the bad – how would you even know whom to meet in the first place?
It can be a crapshoot for any company trying to find and outsource to the right software developer on their own – one that matches the company’s unique requirements and needs. So how else can you identify and hire highly-qualified developers?
Accelerance’s “Seven Keys of Software Outsourcing” are designed to help you find software developers, and then work with them to achieve the highest quality results.
Outsourcing advisory firms like Accelerance can change the entire experience and outcome of software development outsourcing. You’ll connect with the very best developers from around the world without having to sift through a mountain of prospective providers that aren’t the right fit.
Accelerance Rapid Referral ™ simplifies and shortens the process of vetting offshore, nearshore and onshore software development vendors, because we’ve already spent 15 years traveling the globe to identify world-class teams. We’ve met face-to-face with global outsourcing companies, and we’ve screened and certified them through a rigorous certification process backed by decades of software development experience.
Don’t navigate global software outsourcing alone. Select the right software development professional or entire team with confidence, and cut your search for a highly qualified engineering team from five months to five days with Accelerance.
Andy Hilliard
As CEO, Andy leads and advocates for the globalization and collaboration of great software teams with companies in search of talent, innovation and a globally-distributed extension of their engineering function and culture. Andy founded the ground-breaking nearshore software development services company, Isthmus Costa...
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